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 Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed!

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Despot t

Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed! Empty
PostSubject: Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed!   Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed! I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 10:34 am

In the black flames, the powerfull being appear.... Despot is his name, and he's going to answer your questions:

1.Name, age and where are you from.
Adam, soon 20, Poland.

2.Servers you have played on and for how long you have played on them.
Plenty of crap java servers, l2 paradise, l2 kanujin, l2max - last year + 1 year like 2 years ago, l2 rpg - last year too.

3.Class(es) you have played.
Warlock, hawk, Trickster (only imba skill is m ud... fail on rpg :/), nukers, Th, bish, destro... Basically tried almost all except OL and tanks.
I enjoy to play wlc mostly Razz.

4.Your playing time and hours.
Here's the problem, till now i could have played only at weekends, cause i had no net in place where i study. Seems today my flat got connected, but i will know monday for sure. Atm i have a exams time, so next 2 weeks (no rpg x5 this time anyway) i wont be able to play. Same every half year when exams come. My free time i can spent for playing depends on my day plan, and it depends on University will. Like 2h + (i underline +). Can't say anything about hours until new term starts. It may be possible that i will have many activities and projects to do and i will play even less than 2h...

Basically: the future will tell.
Hell, i know that this is big (-) but i can't do anything about it, i wanna study.. You know, RL>VL.

5.What do you value in a clan?
People have to get (1 year w/e english lessons sux) well with each other - there shouln't be any arguments. Playing game is all about fun - we can't make drama in clan. So basically speaking: clan is a group of people with strong bounds, that cannot be easilly cut. Cooperation and assistance are both very imprtant.

This is sorta my answer.

6.Do you have a microphone and are willing to speak on Ventrillo (TS). Although speaking is not necessary, you will have to be listening.

I can listen, even talk, but without practice my speaking-english is horrible Razz. Microphone i have only in town where is study.

7.Say we have a situation where one of your real life friends happens to be in a clan opposing Preatoria and has just PKed one of your clanmates, what do you do?

Hmmm... I have feelings i answered this question many times. Well i would kill him. If he's my real friend he would treat that only as a game and wouldn't be mad at all. Question remains, why he is my real life friend and is in OPPOSING clan? Something is wrong here Razz.

8. Clans you were in (reminder):
Darksteel, plenty of random java serv. clans, Hellspawn, PolarBears.

9. Any notes?
Y, activate my account! (Despot) QQ
If need more info, ask Silver/Drunk/Agito/fiz/alko... whoever Razz
I srsly need to practice english Surprised.

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Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed!   Summoning of Despot the Cat has been completed! I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 10:35 am

Jesus, my temp. random nick name was cut, should be Despot the mad....

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