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 Siedun sws 60

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Siedun sws 60 Empty
PostSubject: Siedun sws 60   Siedun sws 60 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 19, 2010 4:48 pm

1.Name, age and where are you from.
My name is Yanko, Bulgarian, 19 years old.

2.Servers you have played on and for how long you have played on them.
I've played on many servers starting from Hobby c3 but I'll just mention the one's I've played on longer.
Extreme Staris x7 - about half an year, can't say really it was a pretty long time ago...
Dune x4 - 1 year
Hindemith x1 - 3 months
Azure Gaming Celes 7x - 6-7 months

3.Class(es) you have played.
sps, sh, spoiler, crafter, bish, wc, bd, th, gladi, sr, he, these are the classes I can think of...

4.Your playing time and hours.
I play mostly in the evenings from 8 to 12 o''clock GMT+2.I play in other time too ofc but I can't say when exactly.

5.What do you value in a clan?
I think that a good community is important, I'd like to have fun not only by killing enemies but also by talking and chatting with fellow members.I have a very high value about discipline too, I think that officer's word must be a rule and not following it must be severely punished.Another thing I value is that every member feels like part of 1 whole and is willing to do everything about the clan.After all, l2 is all about that - prosperity of your clan > own achievements, you can't do anything alone here.

6.Do you have a microphone and are willing to speak on Ventrillo (TS). Although speaking is not necessary, you will have to be listening.
Yes I have a mic and yes I can speak.I can understand very good, my speaking is not as fluent as my writing but still it's ok.And yes, I'm willing and want to speak on vent Smile .

7.Say we have a situation where one of your real life friends happens to be in a clan opposing Preatoria and has just PKed one of your clanmates, what do you do?
I'll probably kill him, after all it's just a game so he wouldn't be mad and me and it'll be fun for both of us Razz .
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Pontifex Maximus
Pontifex Maximus

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-01-06

Siedun sws 60 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siedun sws 60   Siedun sws 60 I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 3:20 am

Hi meng, this clan is in dead until I have time to play again. Ain't happening soon though.. Smile
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