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 Jericho - reclutos pros?

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Jericho - reclutos pros? Empty
PostSubject: Jericho - reclutos pros?   Jericho - reclutos pros? I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2010 2:56 am

Hey my name's Jericho

1. Been playing since Deviant Realms so that's like C2 however spent the most time on l2DEX where I learned my trade as a nuker, EE , Glad (hero), Tyrant, HE and loldorfie :>>
2. My goals ingame is at the moment:
find a trustworthy clan , I can dedicate myself to, and of course get to the top while having fun :>>
3. I expect maturity, responsibility and experience from my clan so yours fits the bill perfectly Smile

I have some questions though about your plans , but we'll get to it once I'm in, right? Very Happy

Cheers , Jay.
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